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Join Us for Worship
By Teer Hardy 08 Oct, 2024
Help with Hurricane Helene Relief Through UMCOR As we witness the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Helene, we are called as Christians to extend our hands in compassion and support. One of the best ways we can make a difference is by giving through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). UMCOR is known for its incredible efficiency and dedication. When you give through UMCOR, 100% of your donation goes directly to disaster response and recovery efforts. UMCOR is already on the ground, providing essential resources like food, water, shelter, and medical care to those affected by the storm. By partnering with UMCOR, we ensure that our contributions are part of a global effort, supporting both immediate relief and long-term recovery. Whether it's helping families rebuild their homes, providing emotional and spiritual care, or restoring communities, your generosity will be felt far and wide. Please consider giving today. Together, we can bring hope and healing to those in desperate need. You can give directly through our church or online at the UMCOR website.
By Teer Hardy 08 Oct, 2024
Blessing of the Animals Mount Olivet and Walker Chapel will host the Blessing of the Animals on October 20 at 3 PM at Mount Olivet. We gather on this day as we remember St. Francis of Assisi, a friend and protector of all animals, for a brief service of word and prayer, including a blessing for our beloved pets. Treats for your pets and a special gift will be available. We invite everyone to bring your friends, family, and, of course, your pets. If your pet(s) does not travel well, please come and bring a picture of your pet(s) instead
By Teer Hardy 07 Oct, 2024
Join Walker Chapel and Arlington County for Emergency Preparedness Training We will be hosting a FREE emergency training on Tuesday, October 22nd and would love for you to join! Learn how to respond to an emergency while waiting for first responders. We need you to preregister so that we will have enough equipment for all participants. Call the Walker Chapel office at 703-538-5200 or email to RSVP.
By Larry Danforth 12 Sep, 2024
Two Trees in Trouble...DANGER! In the middle of our cemetery stands a huge black cherry tree. The tree’s branches stretch out to shade many gravesites and reach high into the sky. Two trees were planted, multiple trunks developed, and they grew tall. But they did not grow together. This past August, the larger tree pushed over the smaller tree, which was hardly small. We were left with a giant stump, massive, twisted roots just below ground, and a cavity in the standing tree where the fallen section had been. The cavity is lined with soft, crumbling, rotting wood. Mushrooms surround the base, signifying rot, and the limbs are covered with mold or fungus. Our concern is the remaining tree will fall and damage the many gravestones and gravesites within its reach. Nearby at the little marble cross monument inscribed “budded on earth, blooming in heaven”, stands a single-trunk black cherry tree. Tall but hidden among many other trees in a forested area. The top of the tree has leaves and is higher than most other trees. Coming down the trunk, there are dead branches rotting and falling to the ground almost daily, even in good weather. Do not walk within 15 feet of the drip line of either tree! We are working with the Historic Affairs Landmark Review Board and Arlington County arborist to allow us to remove the trees, but it is a process that will take six to eight weeks. Please stay safe!
By Dawn Kyser 12 Sep, 2024
Learn More About Handbells at Walker Chapel  On Sunday, September 29, you are invited to a unique petting zoo. A Handbell Petting Zoo is an opportunity to try ringing handbells without the pressure of a congregation watching you perform. If you have questions, please contact Dawn Kyser.
By Teer Hardy 12 Sep, 2024
On September 15, the Chapel will be distributing Bibles to third, fourth, and fifth graders. The kids will be able to use these Bibles during worship, Sundays Cool, and at home. Let Pastor Teer know if you have a third, fourth or fifth grader in your home.
By Teer Hardy 06 Sep, 2024
Meet Walker Chapel’s New Church Sexton! For many years, Walker Chapel had a Church Sexton as a staff person responsible for cleaning and light maintenance of the church facilities. Congregational long timers may remember Fred Tabash, the last person to hold this staff position. Upon Freddie’s retirement in 2008 after 17-years’ service to the church, the Church Council approved a recommendation from the Pastor/Staff-Parish Relations Committee to eliminate the staff position and instead contract for church cleaning services. Now—acting through the current P/SPRC—the Church Leadership Board has restored the Church Sexton staff position. The best part of this news is that our new Sexton will be none other than Javier Reyes, who through the previous contract cleaning company has cared for Walker Chapel for nearly ten years—so he knows the church building and many of us know him to be a caring, conscientious worker. Having Javier as a direct employee will give Pastor Teer flexibility in coordinating cleaning and other preparations for special church events, something that was difficult under the contractual relationship. Javier lives in western Fairfax County with his wife and two sons, and he has a sister living nearby. A native of San Salvador, El Salvador, Javier has lived in the U.S. for over 20 years. In addition to his 22-hour average weekly commitment to Walker Chapel, Javier will continue his current “day job” as an employee of a Washington Gas subcontractor. In his very limited free time, Javier follows his passion for soccer; once a competitive league player, he now regularly plays for fun with friends. We think it’s fitting to end this brief news item with: SCORE!!! A goal for Javier and for Walker Chapel! ¡Conozca al nuevo sacristán de la iglesia de Walker Chapel! Durante muchos años, Walker Chapel tuvo un Church Sexton como miembro del personal responsable de la limpieza y el mantenimiento ligero de las instalaciones de la iglesia. Los que llevan mucho tiempo en la congregación tal vez recuerden a Fred Tabash, la última persona que ocupó este puesto de personal. Tras el retiro de Freddie en 2008, después de 17 años de servicio a la iglesia, el Consejo de la Iglesia aprobó una recomendación del Comité de Relaciones Pastor/Personal-Parroquia para eliminar el puesto de personal y en su lugar contratar servicios de limpieza de la iglesia. Ahora, actuando a través del actual P/SPRC, la Junta de Liderazgo de la Iglesia ha restaurado el puesto del personal de Church Sexton. La mejor parte de esta noticia es que nuestro nuevo Sacristán no será otro que Javier Reyes, quien a través de su anterior contrato con la empresa de limpieza ha cuidado de Walker Chapel durante casi diez años, por lo que conoce el edificio de la iglesia y muchos de nosotros sabemos que es él. un trabajador atento y concienzudo. Tener a Javier como empleado directo le dará al pastor Teer flexibilidad para coordinar la limpieza y otros preparativos para eventos especiales de la iglesia, algo que era difícil bajo la relación contractual. Javier vive en el oeste del condado de Fairfax con su esposa y sus dos hijos, y tiene una hermana que vive cerca. Originario de San Salvador, El Salvador, Javier ha vivido en los Estados Unidos durante más de 20 años. Además de su compromiso semanal promedio de 22 horas con Walker Chapel, Javier continuará con su actual “trabajo diario” como empleado de un subcontratista de Washington Gas. En su escaso tiempo libre, Javier sigue su pasión por el fútbol; Alguna vez fue jugador de liga competitiva, ahora juega regularmente por diversión con amigos. Creemos oportuno finalizar esta breve noticia con: ¡¡¡PUNTUACIÓN!!! ¡¡¡Un gol para Javier y para Walker Chapel!!!
By Teer Hardy 22 Jul, 2024
Settle in for a cozy evening of original songs and the stories behind them with singer-songwriter Amy Cox. Meander the journey of her newest album, Anchor, with songs written over the last handful of years throughout the pandemic and a cross country move following a nudge of the Holy Spirit. There may be stories of heartache and love, of raising chickens and foster kids, and possibly an American outlaw or two...and somehow it will all make sense in a beautiful tapestry of how our stories connect us to one another and to God. A huge shoutout to Walker Chapel for hosting the night! Doors open at 7 PM with music to start at 7:30 PM. To listen to Amy's music and learn more, visit your streaming platform of choice or amycoxmusic.com . This is a donation based concert. Please come prepared to make a donation to the artist.
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30 seconds about our historic church

Walker Chapel is a warm and welcoming church.  Our mission is to befriend, nurture, and serve all of God’s children near and far with meaningful ministries. 


We are worshipping online and in-person Sundays at 10:30am.

Join us at facebook.com/walkerchapel.org/live

Welcome to the Chapel!

The Historic Gathering Place for all

We Can't Wait to Meet You!

Church can happen everywhere.

It is happening all around us.

So we invite you to come, ask big questions, and experience everything that we have to offer as we seek to know God better.

Building on our heritage, our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusiveness, including intentional intergenerational engagement, we seek to share the Good News with the world.



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Walker Chapel's Proud History

Located on North Glebe Road in Arlington, VA, the congregation's original building was built in 1871, six years after the end of the Civil War, and only a year after the end of Arlington County’s occupation by the Union Army. A single room frame structure with a small belfry and basement, seated near the upper part of the historic cemetery, Walker Chapel was one of the earliest church buildings in the area. A new structure was built in 1903, with further additions taking place in 1952 and 1954.

We are very proud of our unique history of both change and tradition.

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