Support our mission and ministry in Arlington and beyond.

Why give?

  • Giving is an act of worship, expressing gratitude for God's blessings. It acknowledges that everything comes from God and that giving back is a way to honor God's provision and generosity.

  • Contributions fund the church’s ministries, from worship services to outreach programs, pastoral care, and missions. Financial support enables the church to serve the community, care for the needy, and spread the Gospel locally and globally.

  • Christians are called to be stewards of their resources, which includes the responsible management of their financial blessings. Giving to the church reflects a commitment to using resources for God’s purposes and to support the work of His kingdom.

  • Giving fosters a sense of belonging and investment in the church community. By contributing, members participate in the life and mission of the church, deepening their connection to the community and its shared goals.

  • Regular giving cultivates the spiritual discipline of generosity. It helps individuals grow in their faith, trust in God’s provision, and learn to prioritize others over personal gain. The practice of giving is transformative, shaping a heart of generosity and dependence on God.

  • The church has practical needs—such as building maintenance, staff salaries, utilities, and program funding—that require financial support. Giving ensures the sustainability of these essential functions, allowing the church to thrive and serve effectively.