Walker Chapel Preschool Registration

Congratulations on being accepted to the Walker Chapel Preschool for the 2025/2026 school year.

Please complete the registration below, and our Preschool Director will contact you.

Please complete a registration form for each student.

A non-refundable registration fee of $130.00 is required per family.

Your registration fee can be paid online at the end of this form or mailed to:
Walker Chapel Preschool, 4102 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22207.

Payment Schedule for the 2025-2026 School Year 


Tuition Deposit

2-Year-Old Class Tuition

2-Year-Old Class Annual Supply Fee

3-Year-Old Class Tuition

3-Year-Old Class Annual Supply Fee

Pre-K/4-Year-Old Class Tuition

Pre-K/4-Year-Old Class Annual Supply Fee

Multiples Discount

Late Fee

$130.00 per Family

1 Month’s Tuition (to be applied to June 2026 tuition)

Due First Day of Each Month

Due First Day of School

Due First Day of Each Month

Due First Day of School

Due First Day of Each Month

Due First Day of School

10% of Second and Third Child’s Tuition
