Walker Chapel Preschool Registration Congratulations on being accepted to the Walker Chapel Preschool for the 2025/2026 school year. Please complete the registration below, and our Preschool Director will contact you.Please complete a registration form for each student. A non-refundable registration fee of $130.00 is required per family.Your registration fee can be paid online at the end of this form or mailed to:Walker Chapel Preschool, 4102 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22207. 2025-2026 Class Offerings * Please check the class for which you are applying 2-Year-Old Class - 2 Days per Week (T/Th) 2-Year-Old Class - 3 Days per Week (M/W/F) 2-Year-Old Class - 5 Days per Week (M/T/W/Th/F) 3-Year-Old Class - 3 Days per Week (M/W/F) 3-Year-Old Class - 5 Days per Week (M/T/W/Th/F) Pre-K/4-Year-Old Class - 5 Days per Week (M/T/W/Th/F) Are You A Member of Walker Chapel United Methodist Church? * Please note, members of Walker Chapel receive priority enrollment. Yes No No, but I'd like to learn more about Walker Chapel Student's Full Name * Student's Preferred Name * Student's Home Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Student's Sex * Female Male Nonbinary Student's Birthday * MM DD YYYY Parent/Guardian Name * First Name Last Name Parent/Guardian Name First Name Last Name Parent's Phone Number * Parent's Second Phone Number Parent's Email Address * Parent's Second Email Address Do You Have A Nanny? * Yes No If You Have a Nanny, Provide Their Name and Phone Number Does Your Family Have Any Special Custody Arrangements We Need To Be Aware Of? List Any Allergies Or Physical Or Developmental Special Needs Your Child Has Physician’s Name * First Name Last Name Physician’s Phone (###) ### #### Medical Insurance Subscriber's Name * Medical Insurance Provider, and Policy and Group Numbers * Can The Walker Chapel Preschool Staff Treat Your Student For Minor Cuts or Scrapes? * Yes No Emergency Contact #1 * First Name Last Name Emergency Contact #1's Phone Number * (###) ### #### Emergency Contact #2 * First Name Last Name Emergency Contact #2's Phone Number * (###) ### #### Emergency Medical Care * In an emergency, if Walker Chapel Preschool is unable to contact anyone at the home and cell numbers, or the emergency numbers I provided, or my child’s physician, I give permission to Walker Chapel Preschool to use emergency medical services provide care for my child. Out of Area Emergency Contact #1 * If there is a regional emergency, we will take the children to an inside classroom in the basement and keep them safe until the emergency is over. We will stay there until we are notified that it is safe to leave the room. We will have a phone, phone list, water, and snacks. We will make every area to contact parents. First Name Last Name Out of Area Emergency Contact #1 Phone * (###) ### #### Out of Area Emergency Contact #2 * If there is a regional emergency, we will take the children to an inside classroom in the basement and keep them safe until the emergency is over. We will stay there until we are notified that it is safe to leave the room. We will have a phone, phone list, water, and snacks. We will make every area to contact parents. First Name Last Name Out of Area Emergency Contact #2 Phone * (###) ### #### Permission to Photograph * Do you give permission for your child to be photographed during the Walker Chapel Preschool school day by the teachers and staff. These pictures are for classroom use, parent’s email and texts so families can see pictures of their child(ren) during the school day. Yes No Hold Harmless * I agree to hold harmless Walker Chapel Church, Walker Chapel Preschool, and their teachers and staff from any liability, loss, cost, or expense that may incur while by child(ren) participates in the Walker Chapel Preschool program. Admission Agreement * In this contract between Walker Chapel UMC Preschool (hereinafter referred to as WCP) and the parents or guardian of the student(s) listed herein, we hereby enroll the student(s) under the following terms and conditions: 1. We agree to pay the tuition according to terms below, and to conclude all required payments before the last day of school. We understand that monthly tuition payments are due on the 1st of each month and are considered late after the 10th and that a late fee of $25.00 will be charged on all late payments. Should my child be absent due to sickness, vacation, snow days and/or during school holidays, we agree to pay the monthly tuition during these days off. 2. Payments are made by check, or you may set up an automatic payment with your bank but please arrange for the check to be mailed on the first of the month, so the school receives it before the 10th of the month. You may also bring your check to school and hand it to your teacher. 3. We understand that to obtain a refund of the deposit, 30 days notice must be given of the intent to withdraw. There will be no prorating of tuition if my child withdraws before the end of the month. There will be no refunds for withdrawal after February 1, 2026. 4. We will hold space for a child in the 3’s class who needs to meet toilet training criteria, but tuition will be charged during this time. 5. We understand that WCP reserves the right to terminate this contract at anytime, without prior notification. In such event, we further agree to absolve and release WCP and/or Walker Chapel UMC of any liability or claims. I've read and agree to the Admission Agreement and Fees for the 2025-2026 School Year (See Payment Schedule Below) Electronic Signature * By checking this box, I affirm that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. This serves as my electronic signature. Thank you for submitting your registration to the Walker Chapel Preschool. Your student’s registration has been received, and to complete the Registration Process, please submit your Registration Fee of $150.00 here.Please direct all your questions to the Walker Chapel Preschool Director at wcpreschool@walkerchapel.org. Payment Schedule for the 2025-2026 School Year RegistrationTuition Deposit2-Year-Old Class Tuition2-Year-Old Class Annual Supply Fee3-Year-Old Class Tuition3-Year-Old Class Annual Supply FeePre-K/4-Year-Old Class TuitionPre-K/4-Year-Old Class Annual Supply FeeMultiples DiscountLate Fee $130.00 per Family1 Month’s Tuition (to be applied to June 2026 tuition)Due First Day of Each MonthDue First Day of SchoolDue First Day of Each MonthDue First Day of SchoolDue First Day of Each MonthDue First Day of School10% of Second and Third Child’s Tuition$25.00