Weddings at Walker Chapel
Thank you for considering Walker Chapel as the location of your wedding. A wedding at Walker Chapel is a service of worship and celebration of a specific, joyful occasion.
We, the congregation of Walker Chapel, believe that marriage is a gift from God for all people. We believe this to be a threshold moment in life, and we want to share in your joy on this day. Persons from many faith traditions have begun a life together in our sanctuary, and we invite you to discuss your unique story with our pastor as a part of your preparation for your wedding day and marriage. We believe in God whose character is to be loving, gracious and full of hope for us as we make life-long covenants with each other. We want to extend the hospitality of God’s household to you, and to all those whom you love and invite to share in your wedding day.
Grace and peace,
The community of Walker Chapel United Methodist Church